Peter is cycling daily, back to his physically demanding work and is delighted with his recovery following his osteotomy with Dr Ronald van Heerwaarden and Mr Raghbir Khakha

Peter is cycling daily, back to his physically demanding work and is delighted with his recovery following his osteotomy with Dr Ronald van Heerwaarden and Mr Raghbir Khakha Peter is exclusively a mountain runner at all distances up to 42k (marathon distance). The marathons have included the North Pole, Antarctic ice marathon, Swiss Alpine, Everest…

Martin is pain free and thinking about a ski holiday following a knee osteotomy with Professor Adrian Wilson and Mr Raghbir Khakha

Martin is pain free and thinking about a ski holiday following a knee osteotomy with Professor Adrian Wilson and Mr Raghbir Khakha Martin had been suffering from increasing pain in his right knee for three years, which had been aggravated by a fall when he was walking in the French Alps. He went to see…

Following a medial high tibial osteotomy (HTO) in September 2018, Amanda gives an update on the removal of hardware from her knee

Following a medial high tibial osteotomy (HTO) in September 2018, Amanda gives an update on the removal of hardware from her knee Make an enquiry< Back to all patient stories You walk straight out of hospital, no need for crutches etc. minimum amount of pain killers (I only took paracetamol for 3 days).The recovery period…

Amanda is thinking about a ski holiday after an osteotomy with Prof Adrian Wilson to treat multiple knee injuries.

Amanda is thinking about a ski holiday after an osteotomy with Prof Adrian Wilson to treat multiple knee injuries. Amanda had suffered 3 right knee injuries whilst playing tennis, each resulting in medial meniscus tears which required arthroscopic meniscectomy procedures. Make an enquiry< Back to all patient stories My experience has been extremely positive having…

Active 45-year-old climbing mountains, mountain biking and stronger, faster and fitter, 5 months after a double osteotomy

Active 45-year-old climbing mountains, mountain biking and stronger, faster and fitter, 5 months after a double osteotomy Rob is an extremely active and fit 45-year-old with a passion for mountain biking. In 2018 he’d already covered over 2,000 miles including Mount Boldo Italy, Peak District, South Downs 100 and the Welsh mountains. A football injury…

An osteotomy helps a 43 year old patient to enjoy life after being hit by a car left him in severe pain.

An osteotomy helps a 43 year old patient to enjoy life after being hit by a car left him in severe pain. For David, aged 43, his active lifestyle is incredibly important. He is very physically fit, and loves doing activities with his two young children. He also completes a 60-mile bicycle ride weekly, sometimes…

After a lifetime of problems with her knee, an osteotomy realigns 51-year-old Heike’s knee and leaves her pain-free.

After a lifetime of problems with her knee, an osteotomy realigns 51-year-old Heike’s knee and leaves her pain-free. Aged six, Heike developed severe osteomyelitis (bone infection) in her proximal tibia (shin bone), and as a result had a growth arrest. Since having numerous operations and lengthening procedures in Germany as a teenager, she has had…

Two high tibial osteotomies prove the optimal solution to preserve Kevin’s knees and help him return to normality.

Two high tibial osteotomies prove the optimal solution to preserve Kevin’s knees and help him return to normality. Kevin was born bow-legged, a condition that worsened with age. A life spent working in the construction industry, largely before modern health and safety regulations, meant that he may not have fully realised how to take proper…