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The London Knee Osteotomy Centre

Bringing together leading knee osteotomy surgeons, passionate about joint preservation.

Welcome to The London Knee Osteotomy Centre

The London Knee Osteotomy Centre brings together world-renowned surgeons from across the UK and Europe.

This centre of excellence for osteotomy surgery was set up by Professor Adrian Wilson, who has a global reputation in carrying out knee realignment (osteotomy) surgery. They are joined by leading internationally renowned osteotomy surgeons Dr Ronald van Heerwaarden and Mr Raghbir Khakha.

All consultants at The London Knee Osteotomy Centre are globally recognised leaders in their specialist field of medicine, each having managed departments and clinical teams in distinguished London teaching hospitals or centres of excellence across Europe.

Professor Wilson is one of the founding members of the UK Knee Osteotomy Registry (UKKOR), the first national database dedicated to knee realignment (osteotomy) surgery. The Group has data on the results of over 1,000 procedures, the biggest series of its kind in the world.

The consultant team is supported by a multidisciplinary team of anaesthetists, radiologists, specialist physiotherapists and the very latest state-of-the-art diagnostic imaging technology, contributing to a fast and accurate diagnosis for patients.

Collectively, The London Knee Osteotomy Centre team has performed more than 5,000 knee osteotomy procedures across the UK and Europe.

An osteotomy patient talks about their operation

What is an knee osteotomy?

Knee osteotomy surgery is carried out on patients experiencing a range of knee conditions, including arthritis and sports-related pain and injury. A knee osteotomy can usually help to significantly delay the need for knee arthroplasty (replacement), and in many instances, remove the need for it altogether.

In patients whose leg bones are not correctly aligned, if they are bow-legged or knock-kneed for example, a knee osteotomy procedure, such as a high tibial osteotomy or femoral osteotomy, restores the normal alignment of the knee joint by correcting the tibia or femur bone, relieving pain and removing pressure on the arthritic or injured area of the knee as a result.

The procedure involves taking pressure off the damaged side of the knee joint by dividing the bone and realigning the bones in the limb, so the leg is straightened.

This realignment of tibia or femur bone helps body weight to be distributed evenly through the knee joint, relieving the pressure on damaged tissue, allowing it to heal, and preserves the joint in the correct position to help avoid problems in the future.

The greatly reduced pain patients feel post-operatively often means they can quickly return to living normal lifestyles. This can be particularly beneficial to active younger and older patients, including those who play sport regularly.

Knee osteotomy

Your Frequently Asked Questions Answered

An osteotomy patient talks about their operation performed by Professor Adrian Wilson and Mr Raghbir Khakha

View a series of videos from the London Knee Osteotomy Centre team

The London Knee Osteotomy Centre consultants

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