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Lower Limb Deformity Correction

What is lower limb deformity correction?

Lower limb deformity correction is often carried out at the same time as limb lengthening surgery to achieve the best possible outcome. Deformities of the lower limbs (legs and feet) can develop before a child is born or during early childhood, or as a result of an injury. They may vary in severity from deformities that affect someone’s mobility to those that are purely aesthetic.

What does lower limb deformity correction involve?

Lower leg deformities are corrected using a procedure called osteotomy. This entails making a cut to the bone and then realigning bones and joints so they are correctly positioned. They are then stabilised, in some cases using an external fixator, as in limb lengthening surgery. A fixator is a frame that attaches to the end of the bone, keeping it in the correct position and allowing new bone to grow to fill any gaps. Osteotomies are an effective method of joint preservation. By realigning the joints so they are working correctly the procedure helps to prevent any further joint damage.

Lower limb deformity correction

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